Herbal Medicine Making/ January 25, 2025


Herbal Medicine Making/ January 25, 2025


In this day-long workshop, Herbalist and LMT Erin Vanhee teaches how to capture the art and science of crafting plants into remedies and cover how to make (and when to make) salts, infusions, decoctions, syrups, vinegars and tinctures.

Medicine Making follows the ancient tradition of using plants as nourishment and medicine. Our explorations include the crafting of traditional, seasonal herbal remedies. Students will leave with their own medicines to take home.

No previous experience with plants necessary; this class is appropriate for beginner to advanced herbal students.

Course outline:

Fundamentals of Medicine Making:

  • Assessing plant quality

  • Safety, ethics, and dosage of herbal medicine.

Step-by-step, interactive instruction on making different types of Herbal Medicines:

  • Water based preparations: teas, infusions, decoctions, syrups

  • Herbal salts made from fresh plants

  • Using herbal-infused vinegars to make mineral-rich meals and mocktails.

  • Tincture making using the Folk Method

Location: Apothecary Wellness Spa, Burlington, WA

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What to bring:

All plants used in class are included in tuition!

Here is a list for you to bring so you can make and take home your remedies.

Small cutting board

Knife for chopping plants

spoon or chop sticks for stirring

Mug for tea!

Pen and paper for notes, recipes, labeling

2 or 3 jars af various sizes- best to stay small for sampling. Bring along 2 or 3 small canning jars or recycled jars with a broad rim and lids 4 ounce size is best, no larger than 4 to 8 ounce

You will need at least one but preferably two or three of the following, about a cup of each:

Apple Cider vinegar

Brandy or vodka
