Spring Cleaning Your Liver
/Spring is here! The ritual of Spring Cleaning is as old as time. You might have already spring cleaned the heck out of your home. But what about your body?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is the time of the liver and gallbladder. Heat in the liver is common in Spring when we enter into the time of year that everything is rising, moving, and growing so fast. Sometimes we have a hard time keeping up with the energy and heat develops in our body. Heat symptoms in the hepatic (liver) region could manifest as headache, unexplained anger, "hot temper", skin eruptions, red inflamed eyes and muscle stiffness. Here are a few ideas on how to support the Liver during Spring.
What to avoid: Spring is a great time to eliminate or reduce your dairy, sugar and alcohol consumption and give your liver a break.
Don’t forget to move: Remember the liver loves movement! Even a 30 minute walk will help your liver feel the love.
Drinks for liver support: Try having a cup of warm water and lemon upon rising.
Additional support can be had by drinking a mild, cleansing drink 30 minutes before meals and/or at bedtime. Try mixing the following ingredients together: 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon maple syrup or herb-infused honey, 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper, powdered, and 8-10 ounces of water
Eating more Dandelion: A great Herbal helper for our livers in Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale. Read on to find out more about this Spring Superfood…
Dandelion is waking up all around us. Dandelion leaves are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. The greens in early spring are cooling, tasty and have a pleasant bitterness to the palate. Add them to salads, make pesto, nibble on them while gardening or walking in the neighbourhood. They are everywhere! You can start off simple; add a few dandelion leaves into your salads or smoothies. New Spring greens are the most tasty but can be kept fresh by cutting frequently or cultivating them in cooler, shadier areas.
If you have an abundance of dandelions, harvest the roots for a quick superfood to support your liver health. Sauté with a bit of olive oil, onion, garlic and your choice of veggies and add to brown rice for a quick and nourishing dinner. Or decoct the roots fresh by chopping the root and making a strong tea - add one handful of root to 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil and simmer until the water is reduced by half.
Not sure if dandelion is for you? Trust your taste buds! Your body knows if dandelion is your ally. Find some young dandelions and pick off a fresh leaf from a plant that looks inviting to you. How does it taste? Is it pleasant? Does it seem nourishing? After you have chewed the leaf, allow it to settle in your body. How does that feel? Where did the plants energy go? Your head, your belly, your little toe? There are no wrong answers!
Ultimately, your innate understanding of plants will guide you to an understanding of dandelion and how it can and will support you through the season of Spring.
Whatever way you decide to Spring Clean this Spring, know that it will benefit the rest of your year. Happy sweeping, scrubbing, and Dandelion picking!
-Erin Vanhee