Got pain? Try This!
/One of the top five reasons people go to their primary care physician is for pain-related symptoms. Here are some tried and true self care approaches to pain that will get you moving better fast.
1. Raise endorphins! Endorphins are naturally occurring chemicals in the brain that block the pain response. Opioid medications work primarily on pain by increasing endorphins. What else
increases endorphins? Laughing, walking, exercising, doing things you enjoy,
being with people you love all increase endorphins. This is great news. Have fun, lessen pain.
2. Understand inflammation. When we twist our ankle the inflammatory response is our immune system at work, telling us to stay off the ankle and allow it to heal. Sometimes inflammation persists and puts us in a state of chronic inflammation which can lead to chronic pain.
3. Reduce chronic inflammation with Wild Foods. Wild foods bring wild thoughts! And what better way to increase endorphins and reduce inflammation than taking a brisk walk out to gather wild foods.
4. Common plants like Dandelion and Nettle both have anti-inflammatory properties.
Dandelion also contains the electrolyte and macro nutrient magnesium which helps muscles and nerves stay strong and resilient. Nettle is a super food building blood and strengthening tissues. Both these plants are abundant in our region, tasty and safe. Plants for the win!
5. Watch your stress. Try Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) to calm the mind and lighten stress or Catnip (Nepeta cataria) to aid relaxation of body and spirit.